Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
At Stirling East Primary OSHC we aim to develop the child as a whole and enable them to achieve their full potential. We support children to maintain a strong sense of identity and wellbeing in developing a range of skills that build confidence and abilities. We aim to connect with families, the school, community (wherever possible) and promote safety whilst encouraging optimism, happiness, resilience, healthy active lifestyles and an understanding of nutritional value in the foods we eat.
What is OSHC?
OSHC is a child care service for children available to all parents/caregivers of primary school aged children. Children are welcomed into a supportive, safe and secure environment where educators foster the skills and abilities of all children through various activities and events. Parents that may be studying, working, looking for work or need respite care are eligible to use the program on a casual, termly or annual basis (and may be eligible for Childcare Subsidy).
Partnerships with Families and the Community
SEPS OSHC welcomes the input of all parents/guardians, extended members of family and children into programming ideas. Involvement from families is essential in ensuring that the service receives feedback on its operation and that it is always responsive to diverse needs of the community.
At SEPS OSHC we embrace the school values of;
By caring about myself and what exists around me, I can become a better person.
Acting responsibly:
By acting responsibly, I accept that I am responsible for my actions.
By being respectful, I embrace diversity and difference.
By giving effort, I strive to always do my best.
Nutrition at OSHC
Here at SEPS OSHC, we pride ourselves on our menu and food offerings for children in our care. We have a wonderful, experienced chef who prepares our afternoon tea and occasional breakfasts. With a background in nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and children of her own to explore (and quality test new recipes), we are able to ensure that we are providing nutritionally rich foods and know that our children’s dietary needs are being met.
The foods we serve are varied and nourishing, and are carefully curated to cater for children of differing requirements (Gluten Free/Vegan/Allergy/Intolerances etc).
We source our fruit, vegetables, bread and milk locally, who deliver us the most delicious and high quality produce.
Children are welcome to join us for breakfast from 7:00am-8:00am during school term and 7:00am-8:30am during Vacation Care. Options include mostly wholegrain and low sugar cereal options, as well as toast or fruit, with occasional cooked breakfasts by our chef.
Our staff also love to cook and frequently implement this in our afternoon programming so children can join in, planned celebrations or with spontaneous breakfasts.
We are located in the OSHC building adjacent to the gymnasium at the top of the school. Parents are to park at the bottom of the drive in the carpark or drop-off zone, on Paratoo Road. Alternatively, there is parking on Braeside Road where parents/caregivers can walk their child up to the OSHC room. Parents are NOT to drive up to the OSHC room.
Fee Structure
during the *The fees policy can be found on the Skoolbag app or at OSHC for reference
Before School Care: $12.00 per child per session (less CCS, if applicable)
After School Care: $20.00 per child per session (less CCS, if applicable)
Early Closure Days: $21.50 per child per session (less CCS, if applicable)
Vacation Care In-house day: $55.00 per child per day (less CCS, if applicable)
Incursion day: $65.00 per day (less CCS, if applicable)
Excursion day: $75.00 per day (less CCS, if applicable)
Non-Booked Attendance Fee:
$35.00 per child per session
Late Collection fee:
$1.00 per minute per family from 6:30pm
Cancellation BSC, ASC & Vac Care:
In the event that a booking is no longer required during the school term, we require two days’ notice for no charge to be administered to your account. In Vacation Care we require seven days’ notice to avoid this charge.)
Bookings and Cancellations
If you require care for your children or need to cancel a session your children are booked in for, you can contact OSHC by calling or texting 0413 483 545, emailing us at stirlingeastprimary.oshc868@schools.sa.edu.au or dropping into OSHC to verbally discuss your requests. Bookings can be made on a casual, termly or annual basis (for termly or annual bookings, additional bookings can be made outside of such regular requirements).
Parent Survey
Hours of Operation
Before School Care: 7.00am–8.30am weekdays during school terms (breakfast until 8.00am)
After School Care: 3.15pm–6.30pm weekdays during school terms (afternoon tea at 4.00pm)
Vacation Care: 7.00am–6.30pm
Pupil Free Days: 7.00am–6.30pm
Early Closure Days (last day of term): 2:15pm-6:30pm
Contact Information
Mobile: 0413 483 545
Email: stirlingeastprimary.oshc868@schools.sa.edu.au
SEPS OSHC Enrolment Form
(PDF, 50KB)
Booking Sheet
(PDF, 80KB)
OSHC Fees Policy
(PDF, 717KB)
October 2024, Vac Care Program
(PDF, 3MB)
Stirling East Primary School Out of School Hours Care (SEPS OSHC) is committed to providing high quality, sustained care for the children and families who are part of the Stirling East Primary School wider community. Stirling East Primary OSHC pride ourselves on maintaining a service that is safe, secure and nurturing for all children with a focus on learning through age-appropriate play. It is within this supportive environment that we encourage diversity and endeavour to welcome children and family members from all ethnic backgrounds.
We secure the wellbeing of children as our highest priority. Thus, we are supportive of providing altered care arrangements to ensure the inclusion of children with additional needs in our program and believe all Stirling East Primary OSHC educators respect, trust and empathise with children in our care. Educators fostering the program encourage individuals to participate thus giving them the ability to contribute to the quality of their experience and success of our service.
OSHC educators are chosen for their skills, experience and passion for working with school aged children, whilst being supported through continual development by being provided professional development opportunities throughout each year.
Educators at Stirling East Primary OSHC promote supportive environments where children can build independence and apply learning in social settings. They provide experiences that encourage children to interact with friends, learn life skills, solve problems, practice social skills, try new experiences, feel happy, safe, relaxed and actively contribute to the environment and world around them. OSHC educators acknowledge that all students are diverse and support the feeling of belonging through a warm, positive, nurturing and happy environment.
We value, respect and encourage positivity in diverse and inclusive behaviours, and encourage children to develop a sense of fairness, to challenge factors affecting all individuals including bias, discrimination and prejudice.
Our commitment to positive behaviour is reflected in our link to the Stirling East Primary Schools core values of C.A.R.E. that we further instil in the children through awareness, practice and role modelling. Our strong relationships with children in our care is reflective of educators and children collaborating to plan, implement and evaluate quality experiences for children.
The Stirling East Primary OSHC program is developed in conjunction with children’s interests and abilities and aims to foster the development of life long skills. Children are provided opportunities to learn through play, interaction with others, interaction with media and technology, leadership opportunities and decision making at OSHC.
Our program sits within the requirements of the National Quality Standard and the My Time, Our Place Framework, to meet the needs of children, families, educators and the community during OSHC. We are aware of supporting evidence and thus believe children learn best in a warm, positive, nurturing and happy environment where they can engage in both play and leisure.
Stirling East Primary School OSHC is governed by developed policies and procedures that strengthen our commitment to the continual improvement of our service in ensuring that we are catering for the students, families, staff and communities that we provide care for.
We inevitably respond to feedback for the improvement of our service and believe communication and collaboration between stakeholders including management (the Governing Council), educators (OSHC educators, school teachers and Principal), families, children, agencies (DFE, DEEWR, ACECQA) and the extended community is vital in maintaining the highest level of quality care in the success of the Stirling East Primary OSHC service.