Digital TEchnologies


Stirling East Primary School is an Apple Distinguished School – a globally recognised program of which we are the only Departmental primary school in South Australia. We operate a BYO iPad program R-6. The BYOiPad Policy can be found under the ‘Policies’ section of the website. Further information about our Digital Technologies program can be found under the ‘Curriculum’ section of the website. Below are support and information documents for parents including current price lists for those parents interested in purchasing through the school, iPad setup (Family Sharing) How To documents, Cyber awarenes etc.


Please see below for ‘At home support’ information, documents and weblinks.

At Home Support

Ensuring our children are safe and responsible users of digital technology is everyone’s responsibility. As a school we commit to equip your child with the knowledge and understanding to utilise digital technologies in appropriate ways, to enhance their learning whilst also making them empowered digital citizens – skills which will benefit them through primary school, into secondary school and beyond.

We recognise that navigating the management, expectations and boundaries around digital technologies at home can be challenging for many parents.With this in mind, we have developed and provided a number of resources to support our parent community.

A great starting point which we encourage all parents to read are our 3 ‘Digital Technology @ SEPS’ Documents:

From here, we encourage parents to take some time to explore the provided resources and web links.

10 Quick Tips for Parents – Digital Use at Home

Home & Family Agreements

Creating an Digital Technology Home Agreement is a great way to engage in a meaningful conversation as a whole family, whilst giving everyone an authentic voice. When something is done ‘with us’ rather than ‘to us’ we are more likely to agree and adhere to it. There are many such agreement templates available online and it is about finding the one that best suits your family.

Below are a few options to choose from or you may prefer to find your own online. You may even choose to modify one you find or create your own.

Useful Links for Further Information

There are a number of very helpful websites that can support parents to navigate Digital Technology engagement at home – right from preschool age through to senior secondary. Below are just a small selection of sites which parents will find useful – an online search will provide further resources. 

The official government safety commission website. This is highly recommended as any parents first stop on their journey of gaining a better understanding of how to engage with, and support their child in using Digital Technology. at home. 

The CyberSafety Project is an Australian group approved by the Government safety commission. They provided services and resources to schools, families and communities to support children engaging successfully with digital technology. They have fantastic resources (free) for families. 

Not limited to a digital technology focus, Raising Children provides free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help families grow and thrive together. Regarding a digital technology focus, each age group has a technology section. 

An American based web site that not only provided tips and FAQ’s for parents around technology use/

management, but also provides comprehensive reviews movies, TV shows, books, games etc to help parents determine suitability for their child. Unlimited access does require a subscription however much of the content is freely accessible. 

A UK based website specifically for parents and specifically around supporting children to engage with technology safely and positively. Has some fantastic (downloadable) guides to support parents with children of all ages. 

This link will take you directly to the technology section of the (US based) website. The site does cover many other aspects of child development.